Establishing a Foundation to Ensure Student Readiness for College and Career
Henry County Schools
A school’s schedule and the resulting student academic journey are crucial components in preparing students for postsecondary readiness. Henry County Schools experienced a common challenge in that student opportunities varied widely across schools within the district, which resulted in an overall trend of low advanced course enrollment.
HCS is in the initial phase of its partnership with Abl, using data analysis to develop action plans aligned with the strategic plan. The district is revolutionizing student opportunities, access, and outcomes by prioritizing a solid foundation for designing and implementing school schedules across the district. With a multistep approach, the district ensures high expectations for all students.
Positive outcomes include all high schools offering a minimum of 12 Advanced Placement courses, leading to a 15% increase in AP course enrollment. Fourth and fifth-grade students taking accelerated math have increased by 40%, and middle school students taking high school courses in math, science, and Spanish have grown by almost 26%. The data from the Abl partnership is shaping reform policies, including revising the graduation policy and considering a scheduling policy for consistent expectations and a uniform structure district-wide, aiming to provide an optimal learning environment for Henry County students.
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Henry County Schools
52 Schools
43K Students
60% Black
21% White
12% Hispanic
3% Asian
5% Multiracial
33% Students eligible for FRL
4% English Language Learners
86.8% Graduation Rate
6,000 Employees
“Accountability is about relentlessly assessing the effectiveness of our practice and humbly adjusting our practice that we either inherited or designed ourselves when results for students are not evident.”
Mary Elizabeth Davis